12 Best Heroes in 7.38b Meta Dota 2


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12 Best Heroes in 7.38b Meta Dota 2

We had more or less a full year since Ember Spirit was meta and apparently that was enough of that. Ember Spirit is back because what made him powerful is still relevant: his ability to easily gank around the map and quickly return back to his lane with his Fire Remnants.

Not a single thing has changed for Storm Spirit so not a single change do I need to make to this script. Yeah, maybe they changed his level 10 talent to something shittier so just get the mana regen option instead but other than that. Storm Spirit is still good at what he does: hard rotations to the side-lanes for ganks while being difficult to contest on runes thanks to his ultimate ability: Ball Lightning.

With Ember and Storm Spirit’s popularity growing, so does their counterpart: Huskar. And with Huskar’s new facet, Cauterize, it gives Huskar some survivability when he can’t get or doesn’t want to get Black King Bar.

In 7.38, Bounty Hunter received only a few noteworthy changes: his Track having better damage amplification in the early levels and he gains less bonus movement speed when chasing a tracked target.

They’ve somehow found a way to make Shadow Shaman even more annoying. Instead of the Cluster Cluck facet, Shadow Shaman now gets a free Hex on his attack every 15 seconds through his new 7.38 Chicken Fingers facet.

With Tiny and Dragon Knight being heavily nerfed, the meta has opened up for Ursa who excels at shutting down carries like Phantom Assassin, Lifestealer and popular Offlaners like Dark Seer and Dawnbreaker because he can persistently lay down Fury Swipes and keep them out of the lane.

Slark is a good response to Lifestealer, Morphling and Ursa by sapping their armor through agility with Essence Shift but by buying Silver Edge, he can break the passives that keep Dragon Knight and Lifestealer healthy while also late-game, he can consider items like Eye of Skadi, Abyssal Blade or Bloodthorn to punish even Morphling from regenerating and slowing his damage output

It seems Morphling wasn’t really all that nerfed. He kept his Waveform farming mechanic where whenever he waveforms, he attacks all targets he passes with 50% of his attack damage. But they did change his innate ability, Accumulation, where instead of getting +4 stats every time he levels his All Attributes bar. He now gets +2 Stats like before BUT ALSO +3 AGILITY.

In 7.38, Magnus received two new facets that are both great depending if you need a magic damage-dealer or a strong physical dealer and initator.

Over the past year, Night Stalker’s laning stage has gotten easier and easier and 7.38 continues that trend with him getting a free level in Hunter in the Night with the Night Reign facet.

With the rework of Arcane Curse and Last Word in 7.38, Silencer is now closer to his original style in 7.36 which gives him both a lot of early-game harassment and magic damage.

Someone on the dev team really likes Jakiro because in 7.38, they not only gave both of his Liquid abilities back to Jakiro but they also gave his one non-nuke ability, Ice Path, massive damage and an additional stun.

Dark Seer where he now opts for an early Vanguard into Heaven’s Halberd to force fights where the enemy doesn’t have dispel yet.

Queen of Pain where her Dagon rush build is still as strong as ever and the improvements to her innate ability, Succubus in 7.38 makes her all the more viable as she’s always been a great midlaner and ganks well with her ultimate ability and blink.

You can find me on Twitter for thoughts, opinions and news: https://twitter.com/TorteDeLini
You can chat with me about Dota on Discord: https://discord.gg/esUUT

0:00 7.38b Meta Summary
0:29 Ember Spirit
1:59 Storm Spirit
3:13 Huskar
4:12 Bounty Hunter
5:41 Shadow Shaman
7:00 Ursa
8:01 Slark
9:37 Morphling
10:35 Magnus
11:51 Night Stalker
12:57 Silencer
14:08 Jakiro
14:59 Honourable Mentions: Dark Seer, Queen of Pain

Torte de Lini is a popular Dota 2 Builds & Guides Creator. On his channel, Torte de Lini explores Dota builds, how-to guides to play heros and creates fun memes from his experiences. Before creating content, Torte de Lini worked in esports launching studios, live-streaming platforms, digital magazines, Major & Minor events and leagues for Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, PUBG, Street Fighter, League of Legends as well as experience working with world championship teams in Counter-Strike and Dota 2. For over 10 years, Torte de Lini’s in-game Dota 2 builds have been trusted by some of the best players, OpenAI projects and Dota community. Over 3 billion matches are played using Torte de Lini’s guides and continue to be regularly updated and trusted to this day. Here’s to another 10 years of Dota and good luck in your matches!

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